Pure function encoding

To encode specifications and side-effect-free functions (marked with #[pure]), Prusti generates Viper functions. A Viper function consists of a single expression, so Rust function bodies must be folded accordingly. This is only possible for loop-less functions.

For example, the Rust function:

// The next line is only used to enable mdBook doctests for this file to work
extern crate prusti_contracts;

use prusti_contracts::*;

fn hello(a: i32) -> i32 {
  let mut b = 10;
  if a < 3 {
    b = a + 2
  } else if a > 10 {
    b = a - 2

Is encoded as:

function hello(a: Int): Int
  requires true
  !(a < 3) ? (!(a > 10) ? 10 : a - 2) : a + 2