Mathematical types (seq, set, mset, dict)

This section gives an overview of the mathematical types supported by Gobra and their operations. Examples illustrate the syntax and the operations.

Note that mathematical types are ghost types and may only be used in ghost code.

Sequences (seq)

The type seq[T] represents finite sequences with elements of type T.

expression Etype of xtype of yresult type of Edescription
x ++ yseq[T]seq[T]seq[T]concatenation
x[i]seq[T]Tlookup the element at index i 1
x == yseq[T]seq[T]boolequality
x in yTseq[T]booltrue if and only if x is an element of y
seq[T]{}seq[T]empty sequence
seq[T]{x, y}TTseq[T]literal2
seq[x..y]IIseq[I] 3integer sequence \( [x, x+1, \ldots, y-1] \)
x[i = y]seq[T]Tseq[T]creates a sequence with element y at index i, otherwise identical to x. 1
x[i:j]seq[T]seq[T]sub-sequence 4
seq(x)seq[T]seq[T]conversion from a sequence
seq(x)seq[T][N]Tconversion from an array of length N

The indices i and j are of integer type. Requires 0 <= i && i < len(x).


Sequence literals can be constructed with an arbitrary number of elements. The table only contains an example for two elements.


I is an arbitrary integer type (byte, uint8, int, ...)


Sub-sequence with elements between index i (inclusive) and index j (exclusive). If i < 0 or i is omitted, the lower index is treated as 0. If j > len(x) or j is omitted, the upper index is treated as len(x).

Example: seq[int]

	// The empty sequence
	empty := seq[int]{}
	// Length of the sequence
	assert len(empty) == 0
	// Constructing from a literal
	s := seq[int]{0, 1, 1, 2, 3}
	// Membership check
	assert 1 in s && !(4 in s)
	// Lookup
	assert s[4] == 3
	// Integer sequence shorthand
	s1 := seq[0..5]
	// Comparison
	assert seq[0..5] == seq[int]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
	// Works also with other integer types such as byte
	assert seq[0..2] == seq[byte]{byte(0), byte(1)}
	assert seq[4..2] == seq[int]{}
	s2 := seq[5..10]
	s3 := seq[0..10]
	// Concatentation of sequences with ++
	assert s1 ++ s2 == s3
	// Subsequences
	assert s3[0:5] == s1
	// Omitting the first index
	assert s3[:5] == s1
	// Omitting both indices
	assert s3[:] == s3
	// No well-defined requirements for sub-sequence indices
	assert len(s3[5:1]) == 0
	assert len(s3[-10:20]) == 10
	// Conversion from an array
	arr := [5]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
	s4 := seq(arr)
	// Conversion from another sequence
	assert s4 == seq(s4)
	s5 := seq[int]{0, 0, 0}
	// Create from sequence with update
	s6 := s5[0 = 2]
	// The original sequence is not modified (it is immutable)
	assert s6[0] == 2 && s5[0] == 0
	assert s5[0 = 2][1 = 4][2 = 8] == seq[int]{2, 4, 8}

Sets (set)

The type set[T] represents mathematical sets with elements of type T.

expression Etype of xtype of yresult type of Edescription
set[T]{}set[T]\( \varnothing \)
set[T]{x, y}TTset[T]\( \{x, y \} \), in general with an arbitrary number of elements.
x union yset[T]set[T]set[T]\( x \cup y \)
x intersection yset[T]set[T]set[T]\( x \cap y \)
x setminus yset[T]set[T]set[T]\( x \setminus y\)
x subset yset[T]set[T]bool\( x \subseteq y\)
x == yset[T]set[T]bool\( x = y\)
x in yTset[T]bool\( x \in y\)
len(x)set[T]int\( |x| \)
x # yTset[T]int1 if \(x \in y\) else 0
set(x)set[T]set[T]conversion from a set
set(x)seq[T]set[T]conversion from a sequence

Example: set[int]

	// The empty set
	empty := seq[int]{}
	s1 := set[int]{1, 2, 3}
	s2 := set[int]{1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3}
	// Equality
	assert s1 == s2
	// Cardinality
	assert len(s1) == len(s2)
	// Conversion from a sequence
	s3 := set(seq[int]{ 1, 2})
	// Conversion from a set
	s4 := set(s1)
	// Membership
	assert 1 in set[int]{1, 2} && !(0 in set[int]{1, 2})
	// Set operations
	assert set[int]{0, 2} subset set[int]{0, 1, 2}
	assert set[int]{0, 2} union set[int]{1} == set[int]{0, 1, 2}
	assert set[int]{0, 1} intersection set[int]{1, 2} == set[int]{1}
	assert set[int]{0, 1} setminus set[int]{1, 2} == set[int]{0}

Multisets (mset)

The type mset[T] represents multisets with elements of type T. Multisets are like sets but may contain the same element multiple times. The multiset operations respect the multiplicities of the elements.

expression Etype of xtype of yresult type of Edescription
mset[T]{x, x}TTmset[T]\( \{x, x \} \), in general with an arbitrary number of elements.
x union ymset[T]mset[T]mset[T]
x intersection ymset[T]mset[T]mset[T]
x setminus ymset[T]mset[T]mset[T]
x subset ymset[T]mset[T]bool
x == ymset[T]mset[T]bool
x in yTmset[T]bool
x # yTmset[T]intmultiplicity of the element x in y
mset(x)mset[T]mset[T]conversion from a multiset
mset(x)seq[T]mset[T]conversion from a sequence

Example: mset[int]

	m1 := mset[int]{1, 2, 3}
	m2 := mset[int]{1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3}
	assert len(m1) == 3 && len(m2) == 6
	// Multiplicity
	assert 3 # m1 == 1 && 3 # m2 == 3
	assert 4 # m1 == 0
	// multiset operations
	assert mset[int]{0, 1} union mset[int]{1} == mset[int]{0, 1, 1}
	assert mset[int]{1, 1, 1} intersection mset[int]{1, 1, 2} == mset[int]{1, 1}
	assert mset[int]{1, 1, 2} setminus mset[int]{1, 2, 2} == mset[int]{1}
	assert mset[int]{1} subset mset[int]{1, 1}
	assert !(mset[int]{1, 1} subset mset[int]{1})

Dictionaries (dict)

The type dict[K]V represents dictionaries with keys of type K and values of type V.

expression Etype of xtype of yresult type of Edescription
dict[K]V{}dict[K]Vempty dict
dict[K]V{x: y}KVdict[K]Vdict literal 5
x == ydict[K]Vdict[K]Vboolequality
x[y]dict[K]VKVlookup the value associated with key y 6
m[x = y]KVdict[K]Vdict with additional mapping (x, y), otherwise identical to the dict m
len(x)dict[K]Vintnumber of keys
domain(x)dict[K]Vset[K]set of keys
range(x)dict[K]Vset[V]set of values

In general, more items may be given. For duplicate keys, an error is reported:

m1 := dict[string]int{ "one": 1, "two": 2, "one": -1}
ERROR key appears twice in map literal
    m1 := dict[string]int{ "one": 1, "two": 2, "one": -1}

Requires y in domain(x). Otherwise, an error is reported:

m1 := dict[string]int{ "one": 1, "two": 2}
assert m1["three"] == 3
ERROR Assert might fail. 
Key "three" might not be contained in m1.

Example: dict[string]int

	m1 := dict[string]int{ "one": 1, "two": 2}
	assert m1["one"] == 1
	assert len(m1) == 2
	assert domain(m1) == set[string]{"one", "two"}
	assert range(m1) == set[int]{1, 2}
	// update dict
	m2 := m1["three" = 3, "four" = 4]
	// syntactic sugar for
	m2 = m2["zwei" = 2]
	m2["zwei"] = 2
	assert m2["zwei"] == 2 && m2["three"] == 3 && m2["four"] == 4