Ghost Code and pure
Often, introducing additional state, such as additional variables or arguments is useful for specification and verification.
We call code ghost
that exists solely for the purpose of verification.
It vanishes when the program is compiled.
Hence non-ghost
code is not allowed to refer to any ghost
When writing Gobra annotations in Go source files, the syntax //@
makes it clear that the line is treated as a comment by Go and not included in the program.
A function that is deterministic and has no side effects can be marked as pure
and may be used in specifications.
This allows us to abstract specifications.
A pure
and ghost
In the binary search section, we relied on the precondition that an array arr
is sorted:
requires forall i, j int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
If we want to write clients that use binarySearch
we have to propagate the preconditions, for example, we might want to write insert
// @ requires forall i, j int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
func insert(arr [N]int, value int) {
var fresh [N + 1]int
idx := binarySearch(arr, value)
// ...
In the spirit of don't repeat yourself we want to abstract the precondition. Our first attempt is:
func isArraySorted(arr [N]int) bool {
//@ invariant 1<=i && i <= len(arr)
for i:=1; i<len(arr); i++ {
if arr[i-1] > arr[i] {
return false
return true
//@ requires isArraySorted(arr)
func insert(arr [N]int, value int) {
// ...
But we get the error:
error: ghost error: Found call to non-ghost impure function in ghost code
requires isArraySorted(arr)
Assertions are boolean expressions that are deterministic and have no side effects.
We are not allowed to call arbitrary functions in specifications! Here are two simple functions with a side effect or with nondeterminism:
import "time"
var x = 0
func sideEffect(p *int) int {
*p += 1
return 0
func nonDeterministic() int {
return int(time.Now().UnixNano() % 100)
Actually isArraySorted
has no side effects.
But Gobra does not automatically infer this.
This is where pure
comes into play.
We can mark a function with the pure
Note that it must come before func
and after the pre and postconditions.
//@ pure
func isArraySorted(arr [N]int) bool {
//@ invariant 1<=i && i <= len(arr)
for i:=1; i<len(arr); i++ {
if arr[i-1] > arr[i] {
return false
return true
error: For now, the body of a pure block is expected to be a single return with a pure expression, got Vector( omitted...
Due to the syntactical restrictions, we need another way to express it. As an attempt, we could try to return the assertion from the precondition:
func isSorted(arr [N]int) bool {
return forall i, j int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
But forall
is not valid in Go code.
We can make the function ghost
by inserting the ghost
keyword before the other specifications:
func isSorted(arr [N]int) bool {
return forall i, j int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
//@ requires isSorted(arr)
func insert(arr [N]int, value int) {
// ...
The above version verifies.
Note that we had to add decreases
; we explain shortly why this is necessary.
While recursion is not idiomatic in Go it is often used for specifications.
As an example, we look at the famous fibonacci
Due to the syntactical limitations of pure
functions, we are not allowed to use if
statements in their bodies.
Instead, we resort to the conditional expression cond ? e1 : e2
// @ requires n >= 0
// @ pure
// @ decreases n
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
Error at: </home/gobra/fibonacci.go:6:24> ghost error: ghost cannot be assigned to non-ghost
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
We got an error because Go does not support the ternary operator and fibonacci
's body contains ghost
The error can be avoided by declaring the out parameter as (ghost res int)
but it is preferred to make the entire function ghost
requires n >= 0
decreases n
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
Note that we do not have to specify postconditions.
As opposed to normal functions where we cannot peek inside them,
calls to pure
functions can be thought of as inlined.
The following assertions pass:
func client(n int) {
if n > 1 {
assert fibonacci(n) == fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
if n == 0 {
assert fibonacci(0) == 0
We leave it as an exercise in the Quiz to provide invariants for an iterative implementation satisfying the specification:
// @ requires n >= 0
// @ ensures res == fibonacci(n)
func fibIterative(n int) (res int)
Ghost Erasure
Ghost code must not affect actual code.
The behavior of a program with ghost code, and with ghost code erased must be the same.
For example, if we try to modify a variable x
with a ghost statement.
To make a statement ghost, add ghost
before it.
var x int
//@ ghost x = 1
// ...
ghost error: only ghost locations can be assigned to in ghost code
Gobra detects that modifying x
could clearly alter the output of the program.
The control flow must also not diverge.
We are not allowed to make any statement ghost
, for example if we try to exit early out of the function loop
, this would change its (termination) behavior.
func loop() {
//@ ghost return
for {}
But this is not permitted:
ghost error: expected ghostifiable statement
Termination of ghost
Termination measures must be provided for ghost
This is also to ensure that their presence does not change the program's behavior.
As a simple example, assume that inf()
does not terminate.
func boo() {
//@ ghost y := inf()
return 0
Clearly, boo
loops with ghost code and returns immediately without.
Termination of pure
By now we know that pure
functions can be used in specification,
and since they do not have side effects or non-determinism they can be thought of as mathematical functions.
To prevent inconsistencies, termination measures must be provided for pure
functions, otherwise, we see errors like:
ensures res != 0
func incons(x int) (res int) {
return 2 * incons(x)
All pure or ghost functions and methods must have termination measures, but none was found for this member.
Next, we show why it is a bad idea to have non-terminating specification functions and derive assert false
For this we assume that incons
terminates by giving it the wildcard termination measure decreases _
decreases _ // assume termination
ensures res != 0
func incons(x int) (res int) {
return 2 * incons(x)
func foo() {
assert incons(1) == 2 * incons(1) // (1)
assert incons(1) / incons(1) == 2 // (2)
assert 1 == 2 // (3)
assert false
The assertions all pass since
- We saw that we can replace the call of a
function with its body. - Divide both sides by
(what would happen without the preconditionensures res != 0
? 1) - Arithmetic
- We found the contradiction
1 == 2
, or equivalentlyfalse
Ghost Parameter
Let us look at the function max
that returns the maximum element of a non-empty array with signature:
//@ requires len(arr) > 0
//@ ensures forall i int :: 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= res
//@ ensures exists i int :: 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] == res
func max(arr [N]int) (res int)
Verifying this function would be challenging because of the exists
Additionally, the postcondition gives clients only the maximal value.
With a ghost
out parameter idx
we can return the index of the maximal value.
//@ requires len(arr) > 0
//@ ensures forall i int :: 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= res
//@ ensures 0 <= idx && idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == res
func max(arr [N]int) (res int /*@ , ghost idx int @*/) {
res = arr[0]
//@ idx = 0
//@ invariant 0 <= i0 && i0 <= N
//@ invariant forall j int :: 0 <= j && j < i0 ==> arr[j] <= res
//@ invariant 0 <= idx && idx < N && arr[idx] == res
for i, a := range arr /*@ with i0 @*/ {
if a > res {
res = a
//@ idx = i
return res /*@ , idx @*/
Now when calling max
we must also assign to a ghost
arr := [N]int{-2, 2, 1, 5, 5}
//@ ghost var idx int
m, /*@ idx @*/ := max(arr)
More Ghosts
In general, in Gobra there are:
- ghost in and out parameters
ghost idx, int
- ghost functions where all in- and out-parameters are implicitly ghost
- ghost methods
- ghost variables
ghost var x int = 42
- ghost statements (if-then-else, loops)
- ghost types (e.g. sequences, sets, multisets)
We will continue to use ghost
code in the following chapters.
Without ensures res != 0
, Gobra reports an error for assert incons(1) / incons(1) == 2
Assert might fail.
Divisor incons(1) might be zero.