Binary Search

We will follow along with the example of the function BinarySearchArr(arr [N]int, target int) (idx int, found bool), adapted from Go's BinarySearch for slices. Here we use arrays of integers instead of generic slices: The contract we write formalizes the docstring:

// BinarySearch searches for target in a sorted slice and returns the earliest
// position where target is found, or the position where target would appear
// in the sort order; it also returns a bool saying whether the target is
// really found in the slice. The slice must be sorted in increasing order.
func BinarySearch[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S, target E) (int, bool)

The following snippet shows the expected results for a test cases:

func main() {
	arr := [7]int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}
	fmt.Println(BinarySearchArr(arr, 2))   // 3 true
	fmt.Println(BinarySearchArr(arr, 4))   // 5 false
	fmt.Println(BinarySearchArr(arr, -1))  // 0 false
	fmt.Println(BinarySearchArr(arr, 10))  // 7 false

Our approach is to gradually add specifications and fix errors along the way. To see the final code only, you can skip to the end of this section.

Let us begin by writing a first contract. First, we must require the array arr to be sorted. We have already discussed how to specify this:

// @ requires forall i, j int :: {arr[i], arr[j]} 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]

If BinarySearchArr returns not found, target must not be an element of arr, or equivalently, all elements of arr are not equal to target:

// @ ensures !found ==> forall i int :: {arr[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] != target

For the case where target is found, idx gives its position:

// @ ensures found ==> 0 <= idx && idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == target

This contract does not yet capture that idx must be the first index where target is found or otherwise the position where target would appear in the sort order.

Here is the first implementation of BinarySearchArr. The elements with an index between low and high denote the parts of the array that remain to be searched for target. We must add several loop invariants until this function satisfies its contract.

const N = 1000

// @ requires forall i, j int :: {arr[i], arr[j]} 0 <= i && i < j && j < N ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
// @ ensures !found ==> forall i int :: {arr[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] != target
// @ ensures found ==> 0 <= idx && idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == target
func BinarySearchArr(arr [N]int, target int) (idx int, found bool) {
	low := 0
	high := len(arr)
	mid := 0
	for low < high {
		mid = (low + high) / 2
		if arr[mid] < target {
			low = mid + 1
		} else {
			high = mid
	return low, low < len(arr) && arr[low] == target
ERROR Conditional statement might fail. 
Index mid into arr[mid] might be negative.

The variable mid is computed as the average of low and high. After comparing target with the element arr[mid], we can half the search range: If target is larger, we search in the upper half between mid+1 and high. Otherwise, we search in the lower half between low and mid. For this, we need the invariant that mid remains a valid index for arr:

	// @ invariant 0 <= mid && mid < len(arr)

Let us check whether this invariant works:

  1. Before the first iteration mid is initialized to 0. Therefore, 0 <= mid && mid < N trivially holds.
  2. For an arbitrary iteration, assume that the invariant 0 <= mid && mid < N held before this iteration. Now we need to show that after updating mid = (low + high) / 2, the invariant is still holds (since the rest of the body does not influence mid). However, this cannot be proven without establishing bounds for low and high.

We know that low and high stay between 0 and len(arr), and low should be smaller than high, right?

	// @ invariant 0 <= low && low < high && high <= len(arr)
	// @ invariant 0 <= mid && mid < len(arr)
ERROR Loop invariant might not be preserved. 
Assertion low < high might not hold.

The condition low < high holds before the first iteration and for every iteration except the last. However, an invariant must hold after every iteration, including the last. To address this, we weaken the condition low < high to low <= high.

Note that after exiting the loop, the loop condition gives !(low < high), while the invariant ensures low <= high. Together, these imply low == high.

Our next challenge is to find invariants that describe which parts of the array have already been searched and are guaranteed to not contain target. By the final iteration, these invariants, combined with low == high, should be sufficient to prove the postcondition. Currently we get the error:

ERROR Postcondition might not hold. 
Assertion !found ==> forall i int :: {arr[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] != target might not hold.

To help us find the invariant, let us exemplify the execution of binary search with concrete arguments BinarySearchArr([7]int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}, 4). The following expressions are evaluated at the beginning of the loop and once after the loop:

07[][0 1 1 2 3 5 8][]
47[0 1 1 2][3 5 8][]
45[0 1 1 2][3 5][8]
55[0 1 1 2 3][][5 8]

We observe a pattern: the slice arr[low:high] denotes the part of the array we still have to search for. All elements in the prefix arr[:low] are smaller than target, and all elements in the suffix arr[high:] are greater than or equal to target. Translating this into invariants gives, we have:

	// @ invariant forall i int :: {arr[i]} 0 <= i && i < low ==> arr[i] < target
	// @ invariant forall j int :: {arr[j]} high <= j && j < len(arr) ==>  target <= arr[j]

Since the array is still known to be sorted, we can simplify this further by relating target to the elements arr[low-1] and arr[high], while ensuring that the indices remain within bounds.

	// @ invariant low > 0 ==> arr[low-1] < target
	// @ invariant high < len(arr) ==>  target <= arr[high]

When exiting the loop, we know that low == high. If target is contained in arr, it must be located at index low, which we check for with arr[low] == target. By combining all invariants, the postcondition can be proven now. However, clients still fail to assert some desired properties.

func InitialClient() {
	arr := [7]int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}
	i1, found1 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 1)
	i2, found2 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 2)
	i4, found4 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 4)
	// @ assert found1  // Assert might fail.
	// @ assert i1 == 1 // Assert might fail.
	// @ assert found2  // Assert might fail.
	// @ assert i4 == 5 // Assert might fail.
	// @ assert !found4

While we know for certain that 4 is not contained, the current postcondition does not provide any information about the index in other cases. For example, it does not guarantee that the position of the first occurrence of duplicate 1s will be returned. We need to include in the contract that idx is the position where target would appear in the sort order.

// @ ensures 0 <= idx && idx <= len(arr)
// @ ensures idx > 0 ==> arr[idx-1] < target
// @ ensures idx < len(arr) ==>  target <= arr[idx]

This stronger contract still follows from the loop invariants. Let us take a step back and take a look at the contract which has grown quite large:

// @ requires forall i, j int :: {arr[i], arr[j]} 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
// @ ensures 0 <= idx && idx <= len(arr)
// @ ensures idx > 0 ==> arr[idx-1] < target
// @ ensures idx < len(arr) ==> target <= arr[idx]
// @ ensures !found ==> forall i int :: {arr[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] != target
// @ ensures found ==> 0 <= idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == target
func BinarySearchArr(arr [N]int, target int) (idx int, found bool)

We can simplify the cases with !found and found to

// @ found == (idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == target)

The previous postcondition, found ==> 0 <= idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == target, is directly covered by the new postcondition, combined with 0 <= idx && idx <= len(arr). The other postcondition, !found ==> forall i int :: {arr[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] != target, is also covered. For !found, one of the following must hold:

  1. idx >= len(arr). In this case, from idx > 0 ==> arr[idx - 1] < target and idx <= len(arr), it follows that arr[len(arr) - 1] < target. This implies that target is not contained in the array, as the array is sorted.

  2. idx < len(arr) and arr[idx] != target. From the postcondition idx < len(arr) ==> target <= arr[idx], we can infer that arr[idx] > target. Since the array is sorted, target is not contained in arr[idx:]. Additionally, the postcondition idx > 0 ==> arr[idx - 1] < target ensures that target is not contained in arr[:idx].

The full example can be found below.

Full Example

package binarysearcharr

const N = 7

func FinalClient() {
	arr := [7]int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}
	i1, found1 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 1)
	// @ assert found1 && arr[i1] == 1 && i1 == 1
	i2, found2 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 2)
	// @ assert found2 && arr[i2] == 2 && i2 == 3
	i4, found4 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 4)
	// @ assert !found4 && i4 == 5
	i10, found10 := BinarySearchArr(arr, 10)
	// @ assert !found10 && i10 == len(arr)

// @ requires forall i, j int :: {arr[i], arr[j]} 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
// @ ensures 0 <= idx && idx <= len(arr)
// @ ensures idx > 0 ==> arr[idx-1] < target
// @ ensures idx < len(arr) ==> target <= arr[idx]
// @ ensures found == (idx < len(arr) && arr[idx] == target)
func BinarySearchArr(arr [N]int, target int) (idx int, found bool) {
	low := 0
	high := len(arr)
	mid := 0
	// @ invariant 0 <= low && low <= high && high <= len(arr)
	// @ invariant 0 <= mid && mid < len(arr)
	// @ invariant low > 0 ==> arr[low-1] < target
	// @ invariant high < len(arr) ==> target <= arr[high]
	for low < high {
		// fmt.Println(low, high, arr[:low], arr[low:high], arr[high:])
		mid = (low + high) / 2
		if arr[mid] < target {
			low = mid + 1
		} else {
			high = mid
	// fmt.Println(low, high, arr[:low], arr[low:high], arr[high:])
	return low, low < len(arr) && arr[low] == target