
Slices provide an abstraction over a contiguous sequence of data. A slice has a length, a capacity, and uses an underlying array as storage.

In the following example, a constant n is added to all elements of a slice. Note that the functions len and cap may be used in contracts. Access to slice elements is specified using quantified permissions. We obtain permission to the slice elements on allocation, here with make. Note that the loop must preserve the permissions with an invariant.

// @ preserves forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> acc(&s[k])
// @ ensures forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> s[k] == old(s[k]) + n
func addToSlice(s []int, n int) {
	// @ invariant 0 <= i && i <= len(s)
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> acc(&s[k])
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} i <= k && k < len(s) ==> s[k] == old(s[k])
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < i ==> s[k] == old(s[k]) + n
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i += 1 {
		s[i] = s[i] + n

func client() {
	s := make([]int, 4, 8)
	// @ assert len(s) == 4 && cap(s) == 8
	addToSlice(s, 1)
	// @ assert forall i int :: {&s[i]} 0 <= i && i < 4 ==> s[i] == 1

After initialization with a literal, we also gain permission.

s1 := []int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5}
// @ assert forall i int :: {&s1[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s1) ==> acc(&s1[i])

Syntactic sugar for slice access

For a slice s1, acc(s1) is syntactic sugar for:

forall i int :: {&s1[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s1) ==> acc(&s1[i])

The assert statements are equivalent:

s1 := []int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5}
// @ assert forall i int :: {&s1[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s1) ==> acc(&s1[i])
// @ assert acc(s1)


A slice can be created from another slice or array by slicing it, in general with an expression of the form a[i:j:k]. To check slicing does not panic, Gobra checks as part of the contract of the slicing operation that 0 <= i && i <= j && j <= k && k <= cap(a) holds.

We may create two overlapping slices l and r but run into a permission error:

func overlappingFail() {
	s := make([]int, 3)
	l := s[:2]
	r := s[1:]
	addToSlice(l, 1)
	addToSlice(r, 1) // error
ERROR Assert might fail. 
Permission to r might not suffice.

While we cannot assert acc(l) && acc(r), to call addToSlice we only need permission for either of the slices, and it should be possible to assert acc(l) and acc(r) separately. In order to get permission for the slice r, we must explicitly assert how the addresses to the elements of r relate to those of s:

assert forall i int :: {&r[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(r) ==> &r[i] == &s[i+1]

With this proof annotation, the function verifies:

func overlappingSucceed() {
	s := make([]int, 3)
	l := s[:2]
	r := s[1:]
	// @ assert forall i int :: {&r[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(r) ==> &r[i] == &s[i+1]
	addToSlice(l, 1)
	// @ assert s[0] == 1 && s[1] == 1
	addToSlice(r, 1)
	// @ assert r[0] == 2 && r[1] == 1
	// @ assert s[0] == 1 && s[1] == 2 && s[2] == 1

copy and append

Go includes the copy and append built-in functions.

We give the contracts for copy and append for a generic type T (Gobra does not yet support generics). In Gobra, we must pass an additional ghost parameter that specifies the permission amount required to read the elements of src. This allows the functions to generally be used independent of the exact permission amount

requires p > 0
requires forall i int :: {&src[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(src) ==> acc(&src[i])
requires forall i int :: {&xs[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(xs) ==> acc(&xs[i], p)
ensures len(res) == len(src) + len(xs)
ensures forall i int :: {&res[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(res) ==> acc(&res[i])
ensures forall i int :: {&xs[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(xs) ==> acc(&xs[i], p)
ensures forall i int :: {&res[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(src) ==> res[i] === old(src[i])
ensures forall i int :: {&res[i]} len(src) <= i && i < len(res) ==> res[i] === xs[i - len(src)]
func append[T any](ghost p perm, src []T, xs ...T) (res []T)

Note that since append is variadic, the permission amount must be the first argument. The permission to src is lost, as the underlying array could be reallocated if the capacity is not sufficient to append the new elements. s = append(s, 42) is a common pattern in Go, and this way permissions to s are preserved.

copy copies the elements from src to dst. It stops when the end of the shorter slice is reached and returns the number of elements copied.

requires 0 < p
requires forall i int :: {&dst[i]} (0 <= i && i < len(dst)) ==> acc(&dst[i], write)
requires forall i int :: {&src[i]} (0 <= i && i < len(src)) ==> acc(&src[i], p)
ensures len(dst) <= len(src) ==> res == len(dst)
ensures len(src) < len(dst) ==> res == len(src)
ensures forall i int :: {&dst[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(dst) ==> acc(&dst[i], write)
ensures forall i int :: {&src[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(src) ==> acc(&src[i], p)
ensures forall i int :: {&dst[i]} (0 <= i && i < len(src) && i < len(dst)) ==> dst[i] === old(src[i])
ensures forall i int :: {&dst[i]} (len(src) <= i && i < len(dst)) ==> dst[i] === old(dst[i])
func copy[T any](dst, src []T, ghost p perm) (res int)

The permissions amount must be explicitly passed as perm(1/2) instead of only 1/2. This simple example shows the usage of copy and append:

s1 := []int{1, 2}
s2 := []int{3, 4, 5}

s0 := make([]int, len(s1))
copy(s0, s1 /*@, perm(1/2) @*/)
// @ assert forall i int :: {&s0[i]} {&s1[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s0) ==> s0[i] == s1[i]

s3 := append(/*@ perm(1/2), @*/ s1, s2...)
s4 := append(/*@ perm(1/2), @*/ s0, 3, 4, 5)
// @ assert forall i int :: {&s3[i]} {&s4[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s3) ==> s3[i] == s4[i]

Using the nil slice, we could refactor the make and copy operations into the single line s0 := append([]int(nil), s1...). As opposed to the nil pointer, we may hold permission for the nil slice:

var s2 []int
// @ assert acc(s2)
// @ assert s2 == nil && len(s2) == 0 && cap(s2) == 0

In Go it is possible to append a slice to itself. The contract of append forbids this.

s1 := []int{1, 2}
s2 := append(/*@ perm(1/64), @*/ s1, s1...)
ERROR Precondition of call append(  perm(1/64),  s1, s1...) might not hold. 
Permission to append(  perm(1/64),  s1, s2...) might not suffice

Similarly, in Go the behavior of copy is independent of whether the underlying memory of the slices overlaps. Again, Gobra's contract of copy forbids this:

s := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
s1 := s[1:]
// @ assert acc(s1)
copy(s, s1 /*@, perm(1/2) @*/)
// fmt.Println(s) // [2 3 4 4]
ERROR Precondition of call copy(s, s1 , perm(1/2) ) might not hold. 
Permission to copy(s0, s1 , perm(1/2) ) might not suffice.

Range clause for slices

Gobra supports the range clause for slices. We refactor the loop in addToSlice:

// @ requires len(s) > 0
// @ preserves acc(s)
// @ ensures forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> s[k] == old(s[k]) + n
func addToSlice(s []int, n int) {
	// @ invariant acc(s)
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} i0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> s[k] == old(s[k])
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < i0 ==> s[k] == old(s[k]) + n
	for i, e := range s /*@ with i0 @*/ {
		s[i] = e + n

Note that we added the precondition len(s) > 0. Otherwise there is the error:

ERROR Loop invariant might not be established. 
Permission to s[k] might not suffice.

For the case where len(s) == 0, i, e and i0 are never assigned values. As a result, the second invariant cannot be established because i0 is arbitrary. For example, s[k] could be instantiated as s[-1], even though no permission is held for &s[-1].

Alternatively, we could handle the empty case specifically:

// @ preserves acc(s)
// @ ensures forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> s[k] == old(s[k]) + n
func addToSlice(s []int, n int) {
	if len(s) == 0 {
	// ...
	// @ invariant acc(s)
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} i0 <= k && k < len(s) ==> s[k] == old(s[k])
	// @ invariant forall k int :: {&s[k]} 0 <= k && k < i0 ==> s[k] == old(s[k]) + n
	for i, e := range s /*@ with i0 @*/ {
		s[i] = e + n

Binary search over slices

We conclude this section by revisiting the binary search example. Now we can perform a BinarySearch sorted slices of arbitrary length for a target value. This version is more efficient because no arrays need to be copied.

We define a pure and ghost function isSliceSorted, to use in the contract of BinarySearch. Unlike BinarySearchArr, we add a condition to handle the empty slice and specify access to the slice elements.

package binarysearchslice

requires forall i int :: {&s[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s) ==> acc(&s[i], 1/2)
pure func isSliceSorted(s []int) bool {
	return forall i, j int :: {&s[i], &s[j]} 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(s) ==> s[i] <= s[j]

// @ requires forall i int :: {&s[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s) ==> acc(&s[i], 1/2)
// @ requires isSliceSorted(s)
// @ ensures forall i int :: {&s[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s) ==> acc(&s[i], 1/2)
// @ ensures 0 <= idx && idx <= len(s)
// @ ensures idx > 0 ==> s[idx-1] < target
// @ ensures idx < len(s) ==> target <= s[idx]
// @ ensures found == (idx < len(s) && s[idx] == target)
func BinarySearch(s []int, target int) (idx int, found bool) {
	if len(s) == 0 {
		return 0, false
	low := 0
	high := len(s)
	mid := 0
	// @ invariant forall i int :: {&s[i]} 0 <= i && i < len(s) ==> acc(&s[i], 1/2)
	// @ invariant 0 <= low && low <= high && high <= len(s)
	// @ invariant 0 <= mid && mid < len(s)
	// @ invariant low > 0 ==> s[low-1] < target
	// @ invariant high < len(s) ==> target <= s[high]
	for low < high {
		// fmt.Println(low, high, s[:low], s[low:high], s[high:])
		mid = (low + high) / 2
		if s[mid] < target {
			low = mid + 1
		} else {
			high = mid
	// fmt.Println(low, high, s[:low], s[low:high], s[high:])
	return low, low < len(s) && s[low] == target

func client() {
	s := []int{0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}
	i1, found1 := BinarySearch(s, 1)
	// @ assert found1 && s[i1] == 1 && i1 == 1
	i2, found2 := BinarySearch(s, 2)
	// @ assert found2 && s[i2] == 2 && i2 == 3
	i4, found4 := BinarySearch(s, 4)
	// @ assert !found4 && i4 == 5
	i10, found10 := BinarySearch(s, 10)
	// @ assert !found10 && i10 == len(s)