Quantifiers and Implication
Let us try to write an assertion that states that an array is sorted.
We can later use this as a precondition for a binary search function.
As a first attempt we might write
requires arr[0] <= arr[1] <= arr[2] <= ... <= arr[N-1]
Of course, we do not want to write specifications like this since this does not scale and would not work for different lengths N
Another way of specifying that an array is sorted is that for any two elements of the array, the first element must be less than or equal to the second element.
Universal quantifier forall
In Gobra, for any is realized by the forall
We cannot directly pick any two elements,
but we can state that for any indices i
and j
of type int
, arr[i] <= arr[j]
requires forall i, j int :: arr[i] <= arr[j]
Note that we can quantify i
and j
at the same time,
instead of the more cumbersome
requires forall i int :: forall j int :: arr[i] <= arr[j]
Array indices must also be in bounds for specifications.
We need to constrain that i
and j
are valid indices, otherwise, we see errors like:
Method contract is not well-formed.
Index i into arr[i] might be negative.
Implication ==>
In Gobra the operator for the implication1 if P then Q is ==>
This gives our final version for the precondition:
requires forall i, j int :: 0 <= i && i < j && j < len(arr) ==> arr[i] <= arr[j]
func search(arr [N]int)
Existential Quantifier exists
The existential quantifier exists
uses the same syntax (exists IDENTIFIER [,IDENTIFIER]* T :: ASSERTION
As the name suggests, exists
requires the assertion to be true for at least one value.
For example, we could state arr
contains the value 0
exists i int :: 0 <= i && i < len(arr) ==> arr[i] == 0
should be used sparingly.
It can be a heavy burden for the verifier to find a witness among many possible values.
We show later how we could use a ghost
return value instead.
The implication operator has the following truth table:
P ==> Q | Q=false | Q=true |
P=false | 1 | 1 |
P=true | 0 | 1 |