Pure functions

A function that is deterministic and has no side effects can be marked as pure and may be used in specifications and proof annotations.

If we try to call a normal Go function Cube in an assert statement, Gobra reports errors:

package main

func Cube(x int) int {
    return x * x * x

func client() {
    // @ assert 8 == Cube(2)
ERROR /tmp/playground.go:8:9:error: expected pure expression, but got '8 ==  Cube(3)'
    assert 8 == Cube(3)
ERROR /tmp/playground.go:8:14:error: ghost error: Found call to non-ghost impure function in ghost code
    assert 8 == Cube(3)

Let us mark the function Cube as pure, and also with decreases, since a termination measure is a requirement for a pure function. Gobra enforces the syntactic requirement that the body of pure functions must be a single return with a pure expression, which is satisfied in this case.

// @ pure
// @ decreases
func Cube(x int) int {
    return x * x * x

// @ requires n >= 0
func client(n int) {
    // @ assert 8 == Cube(2)
    // @ assert Cube(2) >= 8 && Cube(2) <= 8
    r := Cube(2)
// @ assert Cube(n) >= 0

Note that we may call pure functions in normal (non-ghost) code, unlike ghost functions. The assertion passes, even without a postcondition. Unlike normal functions, Gobra may peek inside the body of a function. For example, Cube(n) can be treated as n * n * n

Specifying functional correctness with pure functions

We define a pure function fibonacci as a mathematical reference implementation, following the recursive definition of the Fibonacci sequence. While recursion is not idiomatic in Go, recursion is often used for specifications. In the end, our goal is to verify the functional correctness of an iterative implementation that can be defined in terms of the pure function.

// @ requires n >= 0
// @ ensures res == fibonacci(n)
func fibIterative(n int) (res int) {
	a, b := 0, 1
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		a, b = b, a + b
	return a

Syntactic restriction

Gobra enforces the syntactic restriction that the body of pure functions must be a single return with a pure expression. Hence, we are unable to define fibonacci with an if statement:

// @ requires n >= 0
// @ pure
// @ decreases n
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
    if n <= 1 {
        return n
    } else {
        return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
ERROR /tmp/playground.go:17:33:error: For now, the body of a pure block is expected to be a single return with a pure expression, got Vector(if n <= 1 {
  return n
} else {
  return  fibonacci(n - 1) +  fibonacci(n - 2)
) instead
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {

Instead, we can resort to the conditional expression cond ? e1 : e2, which evaluates to e1 if cond holds, and to e2 otherwise:

// @ requires n >= 0
// @ pure
// @ decreases n
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
    return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
Error at: </home/gobra/fibonacci.go:6:24> ghost error: ghost cannot be assigned to non-ghost
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {

An error is reported since the conditional expression is a ghost operation. The error can be avoided by declaring the out parameter as (ghost res int), but we prefer to mark the entire function ghost, as this function is not valid Go code.

requires n >= 0
decreases n
func fibonacci(n int) (res int) {
    return n <= 1 ? n : fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

Pure functions are transparent

Unlike normal functions, where we cannot peek inside their body, Gobra learns the body of pure functions when calling them. The following assertions pass, without having specified a postcondition.

func client1(n int) {
    if n > 1 {
        // @ assert fibonacci(n) == fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
    } else if n == 0 {
        // @ assert fibonacci(n) == 0

Note that this does not automatically happen for the recursive calls in the body. For example, we can assert fibonacci(3) == fibonacci(2) + fibonacci(1), but not fibonacci(3) == 2.

func client2() {
    // @ assert fibonacci(3) == fibonacci(2) + fibonacci(1)
    // @ assert fibonacci(3) == 2
ERROR Assert might fail. 
Assertion fibonacci(3) == 2 might not hold.

By providing additional proof goals, we can to assert fibonacci(3) == 2. Having previously asserted fibonacci(1) == 1 and fibonacci(2) == 1, these can be substituted in fibonacci(3) == fibonacci(2) + fibonacci(1).

func client3() {
    // @ assert fibonacci(0) == 0
    // @ assert fibonacci(1) == 1
    // @ assert fibonacci(2) == 1
    // @ assert fibonacci(3) == 2

Exercise: iterative Fibonacci

We leave it as an exercise to provide invariants for an iterative implementation satisfying the specification.

Ghost and pure functions

Often, we will mark a function both ghost and pure. Although the concept of pure and ghost functions is orthogonal: a function may be ghost, pure, ghost and pure, or neither. Note that a ghost function may have side effects, e.g. modifying a ghost variable.

Termination of pure functions

By now we know that pure functions can be used in specifications, and since they do not have side effects nor non-determinism, they can be thought of as mathematical functions. To prevent inconsistencies, termination measures must be provided for pure functions:

ensures res != 0
func incons(x int) (res int) {
    return 2 * incons(x)
All pure or ghost functions and methods must have termination measures, but none was found for this member.

Next, we show why it is a bad idea to have non-terminating specification functions and derive assert false. For this we assume that incons terminates by giving it the wildcard termination measure decreases _.

decreases _ // assuming termination
ensures res != 0
func incons(x int) (res int) {
    return 2 * incons(x)

func foo() {
    assert incons(1) == 2 * incons(1) // (1)
    assert incons(1) / incons(1) == 2 // (2)
    assert 1 == 2                     // (3)
    assert false

The assertions all pass since

  1. We saw that we can replace the call of a pure function with its body.
  2. Divide both sides by incons(1) (without the precondition ensures res != 0, Gobra reports the error Divisor incons(1) might be zero.)
  3. Arithmetic
  4. We found the contradiction 1 == 2, or equivalently false.