
Prusti Assistant

The easiest way to try out Prusti is by using the "Prusti Assistant" extension for Visual Studio Code. Please confer the extension's webpage for:

  • Detailed installation and first usage instructions.
  • The description of the available commands, among which are commands to run and update the verifier.
  • The description of the configuration flags.
  • Troubleshooting instructions.

Warning: Some of the Prusti-specific syntax described in this guide is currently only available in the "LatestDev" build channel, which corresponds to the latest development version of Prusti. The settings for switching to this version in Prusti Assistant are found in File → Preferences → Settings → Prusti Assistant → Build Channel.

In case you experience difficulties or encounter bugs while using Prusti Assistant, please open an issue in Prusti Assistant's repository or contact us in the Zulip chat. Bugs with Prusti itself can be reported on the prusti-dev repository.

Command-line setup

Alternatively, Prusti can be set up by downloading the precompiled binaries available from the project page. We currently provide binaries for Windows, macOS (Intel), and Ubuntu. Releases marked as "Pre-release" may contain unstable or experimental features.

For a command-line setup with Prusti built from source, please confer the developer guide.