
Recommended reading: 2.4: Push

Informal specifications

Our next goal is to implement and verify a method that pushes an integer onto a list. In contrast to methods like len, push modifies the list; it thus takes &mut self as its first argument:

impl List {
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        // TODO

Since push modifies self, it cannot be marked as a #[pure] function (it has a side effect on self). This means we will not be able to use push inside specifications for other functions later.

Before we implement push, let us briefly think of possible specifications. Ideally, our implementation satisfies at least the following properties:

  1. Executing push increases the length of the underlying list by one. (Chapter link)
  2. After push(elem) the first element of the list stores the value elem. (Chapter link)
  3. After executing push(elem), the elements of the original list remain unchanged, but are moved back by 1 position. (Chapter link)

Initial code

We start out with an implementation of push. If you want to learn more about how this code works, you can read 2.4: Push, where it is explained in detail.

Here is our initial code:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

impl List {
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            elem, // we can use `elem` instead of `elem: elem,` here, since the variable has the same name as the field
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)

First property

The first property can easily be expressed as a postcondition that uses the pure method len introduced in the previous chapter:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)] // 1. Property
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)

Even though the above implementation of push is correct, attempting to verify it with Prusti still yields a verification error:

[Prusti: verification error] postcondition might not hold.

This error may look surprising at first: We create a new list node that stores the the original list in its next field. Why is Prusti unable to realize that the length of the resulting list is one plus the length of the original list?

The explanation is that Prusti performs function modular verification, that is, it only uses a function's specification (instead of also consulting the function's implementation) whenever it encounters a function call. The only exception are pure functions, such as len, where Prusti also takes the function body into account.

Adding external specifications to library code

In our case, the function std::mem::replace is neither marked as pure nor does it come with a specification. Hence, Prusti assumes that it is memory safe and nothing else. That is, Prusti uses true as both pre- and postcondition of replace, which is too weak to prove the specification of push. According to its specification, replace could arbitrarily change the original list and thus also its length. Hence, we cannot conclude that the length the list returned by replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty) coincides with the length of the original list.

We can remedy this issue by strengthening the specification of replace. In this tutorial, we will assume that the standard library is correct, that is, we do not attempt to verify specifications for functions in external crates, like replace. To this end, we have to add the specification to the function. This can be done with another piece of Prusti syntax, the extern_spec:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)] // 1. Property
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)

Let's break this snippet down step by step:

  • First, we write the Prusti annotation #[extern_spec] to denote that we are writing an external specification. This requires prusti_contracts::* to be imported first.
  • Next, we need to declare where the original function is located. In this case it is the module std::mem, so we put its path in the parameter: #[extern_spec(std::mem)]
  • After a quick search for "rust std mem replace" we can find the documentation for std::mem::replace. Here we can get the function signature: pub fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T. We then write down the signature in the inner module, followed by a ;.
  • Since there are no preconditions to replace, we can use the (implicit) default #[requires(true)].
  • For writing the postcondition, we use four pieces of Prusti syntax:
    • === is called snapshot equality or logical equality. Is means that the left and right operands are structurally equal. === does not require the type of the compared elements to implement PartialEq, which would be required if we used the standard equality operator ==.
    • The snap() function takes a snapshot of a reference. It has a similar functionality to the clone() method, but does not require the type of the reference it is called on to implement the Clone trait. snap should only be used in specifications, since it ignores the borrow checker.
    • Lastly, we have the old() function, which denotes that we want to refer to the state of snap(dest) from before the function was called.
    • The identifier result is used to refer to the return parameter of the function.
  • The postcondition consists of two parts, which can either be written in one condition with &&, or in multiple #[ensures(...)] annotations like in the example above.
    • The first condition snap(dest) === src means: After the function returns, the location referenced by dest is structurally equal to the parameter src
    • The second part of the postcondition is result === old(snap(dest)). This means: The result returned by the function is structurally equal to the the element that was referenced by dest before the function was called.

Since result is structurally equal to dest from before the function call, Prusti knows that the pure function len() called on result returns the same value as it would have for dest.

An important thing to note here is that Prusti does not check if replace actually does what the external specification says it does. #[extern_spec] implicitly implies the #[trusted] annotation, which means that any postconditions are just accepted and used by Prusti.


There is currently new functionality planned for Prusti-assistant, which should enable the user to automatically generate parts of the extern_spec syntax.

There is also work being done for providing external specifications for the Rust standard library. Depending on when you are reading this, the std::mem::replace function might be annotated already, in that case this extern_spec may not be needed anymore. You can track the progress and find some already completed specifications in this Pull Request.

Specifications for the standard library should eventually be available in the prusti-std crate. Any specifications in this crate will be available by adding it to your project's dependencies.

Trusted functions

As mentioned above, extern_specs are implicitly #[trusted] by Prusti. Trusted functions can be used for verifying projects containing external code that does not have Prusti annotations, or projects using Rust features that are not yet supported by Prusti. An example is printing a string slice (not supported yet):

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn print(s: &str) {

Prusti will not check trusted functions for correctness, so it is the programmers responsibility to check their the specification manually. A single incorrect specification of a trusted function can invalidate the correctness of Prusti as a whole! Hence, trusted functions, like unsafe Rust code, need to be treated carefully and require external justification.

For example, the following function will not cause the verification to fail:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn incorrect_function() -> i32 {

This one is even worse, it will enable anything to be verified:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn wrong() {}

Checking the extern_spec

Let's get back to our code. After adding the external specification for std::mem::replace, we can finally verify the first property of our push function:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)] // 1. Property
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)
// Prusti: Verifies

With this, the first of the three properties of push is verified, but we still have two more to prove.

Second property

Recall the second property of our specification:

  1. After push(elem), the first element of the list stores the value elem.

To formally specify the above property, we first introduce another pure function, called lookup, that recursively traverses the list and returns its i-th element. Our second desired property then corresponds to the postcondition self.lookup(0) == elem.

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)]
    #[ensures(self.lookup(0) == elem)] // 2. Property //~ ERROR postcondition might not hold
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        // ...
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {
        match self {
            Link::More(node) => {
                if index == 0 {
                } else {
                    node.next.lookup(index - 1)
            Link::Empty => unreachable!(), //~ ERROR: unreachable!(..) statement might be reachable

    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)

Consider the match statement in the last function. The Rust compiler will complain if we attempt to omit the case Link::Empty. We have no sensible implementation of lookup if the underlying list is empty, so we used the macro unreachable!(), which will crash the program with a panic. Since nothing prevents us from calling lookup on an empty list, Prusti complains:

unreachable!(..) statement might be reachable

We can specify that lookup should only be called with an index between 0 and self.len() (which implies that we cannot call lookup on an empty list: 0 <= index < self.len() implies 0 < self.len()). We do this by adding the precondition index < self.len() to both lookup functions. This is sufficient to verify our second property for push:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {
        // ...

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)] // 1. Property
    #[ensures(self.lookup(0) == elem)] // 2. Property
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {
        // ...
        match self {
            Link::More(node) => {
                if index == 0 {
                } else {
                    node.next.lookup(index - 1)
            Link::Empty => unreachable!(),

    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)

We don't need to add the condition 0 <= index, since index has the type usize, and unsigned integers are always non-negative. (If you don't want Prusti to add this condition automatically, you can add the line encode_unsigned_num_constraint = false to your Prusti.toml file).

After these changes, Prusti can successfully verify the code, so the first two properties of push are correct.

Third property

The third and final property we will verify for push is that the original list content is not modified:

  1. After executing push(elem), the elements of the original list remain unchanged (just shifted back by one).

To formalize the above property, we can reuse our pure function lookup, quantifiers, and old expressions, that is, we add the postcondition:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)] // 1. Property
    #[ensures(self.lookup(0) == elem)] // 2. Property
    #[ensures(forall(|i: usize| (i < old(self.len())) ==>
                 old(self.lookup(i)) == self.lookup(i + 1)))] // 3. Property
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        // ...
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {
        match self {
            Link::More(node) => {
                if index == 0 {
                } else {
                    node.next.lookup(index - 1)
            Link::Empty => unreachable!(),

    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)

Let's break this expression down like before:

  • We start with the ensures annotation, to denote a postcondition.
  • forall(..) denotes a quantifier. The variables and body of a quantifier use a syntax similar to Rust closures.
  • The two vertical bars: || contain the variables that the quantifier quantifies over. Here we only have one parameter i: usize. The type of the quantifier body is bool. You can think of the forall expression as follows: Any values chosen for the quantified variables should result in the expression evaluating to true.
  • In this case, the quantifier uses the implication operator ==>. It takes a left and right argument of type bool and is true if the left-hand side is false, or both sides are true.
    • The left-hand side of the implication is (1 <= i && i < self.len()), which is the range where the right side must hold. If the index i is outside of this range, we don't care about it, so the condition will be false, making the entire implication true.
    • The right-hand side is the condition for everything being shifted back by one element: old(self.lookup(i - 1)) == self.lookup(i))). Note that the right side is only evaluated if the left side is true, otherwise there would be an overflow in i - 1 for i == 0, or a panic if i is out of bounds.

This code is verified successfully by Prusti, so we know that the lookup function satisfies the three postconditions!

Full code listing

// Expand to see full code up to this chapter
// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List {
    head: Link,

enum Link {

struct Node {
    elem: i32,
    next: Link,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

impl List {
    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)] // 1. Property
    #[ensures(self.lookup(0) == elem)] // 2. Property
    #[ensures(forall(|i: usize| (i < old(self.len())) ==>
                 old(self.lookup(i)) == self.lookup(i + 1)))] // 3. Property
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: i32) {
        // ...
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: std::mem::replace(&mut self.head, Link::Empty),

        self.head = Link::More(new_node);

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: Link::Empty }

impl Link {
    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {
        match self {
            Link::More(node) => {
                if index == 0 {
                } else {
                    node.next.lookup(index - 1)
            Link::Empty => unreachable!(),

    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        match self {
            Link::Empty => 0,
            Link::More(node) => 1 + node.next.len(),

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self, Link::Empty)