Final Code

Here you can see the full implementation we have thus far.

// Expand to see the full code
// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

pub struct List<T> {
    head: Link<T>,

type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

struct Node<T> {
    elem: T,
    next: Link<T>,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

// Specs for std::option::Option<T>::unwrap(self) (and others) can be found here (work in progress):

impl<T> std::option::Option<T> {
    #[ensures(old(self) === Some(result))]
    pub fn unwrap(self) -> T;
    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, None))]
    pub const fn is_none(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, Some(_)))]
    pub const fn is_some(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)))]
    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>;
impl<T> List<T> {
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self.head, None)

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: None }

    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
        link_lookup(&self.head, index)

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)]
    #[ensures(snap(self.lookup(0)) === elem)]
    #[ensures(forall(|i: usize| (i < old(self.len())) ==>
                 old(self.lookup(i)) === self.lookup(i + 1)))]
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: self.head.take(),

        self.head = Some(new_node);

    predicate! {
        // two-state predicate to check if the head of a list was correctly removed
        fn head_removed(&self, prev: &Self) -> bool {
            self.len() == prev.len() - 1 // The length will decrease by 1
            && forall(|i: usize| // Every element will be shifted forwards by one
                (1 <= i && i < prev.len())
                    ==> prev.lookup(i) === self.lookup(i - 1))

    #[ensures(old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result.is_none() &&
    #[ensures(!old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        self.head_removed(&old(snap(self))) &&
        result === Some(snap(old(snap(self)).lookup(0)))
    pub fn try_pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        match self.head.take() {
            None => None,
            Some(node) => {
                self.head =;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)).lookup(0))]
    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> T {

    // // Not currently possible in Prusti
    // pub fn try_peek(&self) -> Option<&T> {
    //     todo!()
    // }

    pub fn peek(&self) -> &T {

    #[trusted] // required due to unsupported reference in enum
    #[ensures(snap(result) === old(snap(self.peek())))]
        old(self.len()) === self.len() // (1. condition)
        && forall(|i: usize| 1 <= i && i < self.len() // (2. condition)
            ==> old(snap(self.lookup(i))) === snap(self.lookup(i)))
        && snap(self.peek()) === before_expiry(snap(result)) // (3. condition)
    pub fn peek_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
        // This does not work in Prusti at the moment:
        // "&mut self.head" has type "&mut Option<T>"
        // this gets auto-dereferenced by Rust into type: "Option<&mut T>"
        // this then gets matched to "Some(node: &mut T)"
        // References in enums are not yet supported, so this cannot be verified by Prusti
        if let Some(node) = &mut self.head {
            &mut node.elem
        } else {
        // ...

#[requires(index < link_len(link))]
fn link_lookup<T>(link: &Link<T>, index: usize) -> &T {
    match link {
        Some(node) => {
            if index == 0 {
            } else {
                link_lookup(&, index - 1)
        None => unreachable!(),

fn link_len<T>(link: &Link<T>) -> usize {
    match link {
        None => 0,
        Some(node) => 1 + link_len(&,

mod prusti_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn _test_list(){
        let mut list = List::new(); // create an new, empty list
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // list should be empty

        prusti_assert!(!list.is_empty() && list.len() == 2); // length correct

        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(0) == 10); // head is 10
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(1) == 5); // 5 got pushed back correctly

        let x = list.pop();
        prusti_assert!(x == 10); // pop returns the value that was added last

        match list.try_pop() {
            Some(y) => assert!(y == 5),
            None => unreachable!()

        let z = list.try_pop();
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // length correct
        prusti_assert!(z.is_none()); // `try_pop` on an empty list should return `None`

    fn _test_peek() {
        let mut list = List::new();
        prusti_assert!(list.peek() === list.lookup(0));
        prusti_assert!(*list.peek() == 16);
        prusti_assert!(*list.peek() == 5);

        prusti_assert!(*list.peek() == 16);

    fn _test_peek_mut() {
        let mut list = List::new();

        // Open a new scope using an opening bracket `{`
        // `first` will get dropped at the closing bracket `}`
            let first = list.peek_mut();
            // `first` is a mutable reference to the first element of the list
            // for as long as `first` is exists, `list` cannot be accessed
            prusti_assert!(*first == 16);
            *first = 5; // Write 5 to the first slot of the list
            prusti_assert!(*first == 5);
            // `first` gets dropped here, `list` can be accessed again
        prusti_assert!(list.len() == 2);
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(0) == 5); // slot 0 is now `5`
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(1) == 8); // slot 1 is unchanged