
Pledges are a construct that can be used to specify the behaviour of functions that reborrow. For example, pledges should be used for modelling an assignment to a vector element because, in Rust, v[i] = 4 is not a method call, 4) but rather let tmp = v.get_mut(i); *tmp = 4, where get_mut is a method that reborrows the v receiver to return a reference to a particular element.

As a full example, a wrapper around Rust Vec<i32> could be implemented as follows:

use prusti_contracts::*;

pub struct VecWrapperI32 {
    v: Vec<i32>

impl VecWrapperI32 {
    #[ensures(result >= 0)]
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// A ghost function for specifying values stored in the vector.
    #[requires(0 <= index && index < self.len())]
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {

    #[requires(0 <= index && index < self.len())]
    #[ensures(*result == old(self.lookup(index)))]
        self.len() == old(self.len()) &&
        self.lookup(index) == before_expiry(*result) &&
            |i: usize| (0 <= i && i < self.len() && i != index) ==>
            self.lookup(i) == old(self.lookup(i))
    pub fn index_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut i32 {

The syntax for a pledge is #[after_expiry(reference => condition)] where reference is the reborrowing reference (defaults to result, which is currently the only thing one can write until we have support for reference fields) and condition is a Prusti specification that specifies how the borrowed data structure will look once the borrow expires. To refer in the condition to the state that a memory location pointed at by the reference has just before expiring, use before_expiry(*reference).

Run assertions when reference expires

In some cases, a condition must be checked at the point of expiry, like for example a type invariant. The syntax for this is #[assert_on_expiry(condition, invariant)]. This means that the invariant holds, given that condition is true when the reference expires.

Note that for any assertion A, after_expiry(A) is equivalent to assert_on_expiry(true, A).