
Predicates are similar to pure functions in that they are deterministic and side-effect free and used in specifications.

They are more powerful than pure functions: inside predicate bodies the full Prusti specification syntax is allowed. However, they are not usable in regular Rust code, as there are no direct Rust equivalents for specification constructs like quantifiers or implications. Instead, predicates can only be called from within specifications and other predicates.

Predicates are declared using the predicate! macro on a function:

predicate! {
    fn all_zeroes(a: &MyArray) -> bool {
        forall(|i: usize|
            (0 <= i && i < a.len() ==> a.lookup(i) == 0))

Within specifications, predicates can be called just like pure functions:

fn zero(a: &mut MyArray) { ... }

The predicate! macro is incompatible with other Prusti specifications, i.e. a predicate function cannot have pre- or postconditions. The body of a predicate must be provided, so it cannot be #[trusted]. Predicates are always considered pure.