Absence of panics

With the default settings, Prusti checks absence of panics. For example, consider the following program which always panics when executed:

pub fn main() {

When run on the previous program, Prusti reports a verification error:

error[P0004]: unreachable!(..) statement might be reachable
 --> src/lib.rs:2:5
2 |     unreachable!();
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This message correctly points out that the unreachable!() statement might actually be reachable.

The message says "might" because Prusti is conservative, i.e., it reports a verification error unless it can prove that the statement is unreachable. Hence, Prusti successfully verified the example below as it can rule out that the condition in the conditional statement, a <= 0, holds.

pub fn main() {
    let a = 5;
    if a <= 0 {

Since Prusti is conservative, if it reports no verification errors then the program is provably correct with regard to the checked properties. The last part is important because checks such as overflow checks may be disabled. Furthermore, Prusti may verify a program although some (or even all) of its executions do not terminate because it verifies partial correctness properties.