Making it all Generic

Recommended reading: 3.2: Generic

Just like the corresponding chapter in the "Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists" book, we will change our list to have a generic element type T, not just i32. For this, we go through our code an add the generic parameter T where required. The compiler really helps for this, since it will mark where a generic parameter is needed. If you do this process with Prusti, at some point you will encounter the following error:

[E0369] binary operation `==` cannot be applied to type `T`.

This is because the generic type T might not implement PartialEq and thus not have an equality function == that could be called on it like i32 does. Since we only used == inside of specifications, we can fix this problems by using snapshot equality === instead.

Here you can see where some of the changes were done (expand to see the full changes):

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

// Make the types generic:
pub struct List<T> {
    head: Link<T>,

type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

struct Node<T> {
    elem: T,
    next: Link<T>,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

// Specs for std::option::Option<T>::unwrap(self) (and others) can be found here (work in progress):

impl<T> std::option::Option<T> {
    #[ensures(old(self) === Some(result))]
    pub fn unwrap(self) -> T;
    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, None))]
    pub const fn is_none(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, Some(_)))]
    pub const fn is_some(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)))]
    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>;

impl<T> List<T> {
    // ...

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self.head, None)

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: None }

    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    // Return type is changed from `T` to `&T`
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
        link_lookup(&self.head, index)

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)]
    #[ensures(snap(self.lookup(0)) === elem)] // Here we add a `snap`
    #[ensures(forall(|i: usize| (i < old(self.len())) ==>
        old(self.lookup(i)) === self.lookup(i + 1)))]
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
        // ...
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: self.head.take(),

        self.head = Some(new_node);

    predicate! {
        // two-state predicate to check if the head of a list was correctly removed
        fn head_removed(&self, prev: &Self) -> bool {
            self.len() == prev.len() - 1 // The length will decrease by 1
            && forall(|i: usize| // Every element will be shifted forwards by one
                (1 <= i && i < prev.len())
                    ==> prev.lookup(i) === self.lookup(i - 1))

    #[ensures(old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result.is_none() &&
    #[ensures(!old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result === Some(snap(old(snap(self)).lookup(0)))
    // Return type changed from `Option<i32>`
    pub fn try_pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        // ...
        match self.head.take() { // Replace mem::swap with the buildin Option::take
            None => None,
            Some(node) => {
                self.head =;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)).lookup(0))]
    // Return type changed from `i32`
    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> T {

#[requires(index < link_len(link))]
// Return type is changed from `T` to `&T`
fn link_lookup<T>(link: &Link<T>, index: usize) -> &T {
    match link {
        Some(node) => {
            if index == 0 {
                // Here we return a reference to `elem` instead of the `elem` itself
            } else {
                link_lookup(&, index - 1)
        None => unreachable!(),

fn link_len<T>(link: &Link<T>) -> usize {
    match link {
        None => 0,
        Some(node) => 1 + link_len(&,

mod prusti_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn _test_list(){
        // ...
        let mut list = List::new(); // create an new, empty list
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // list should be empty

        prusti_assert!(!list.is_empty() && list.len() == 2); // length correct

        // Here we can just dereference the lookup with `*`, since `i32` is `Copy`:
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(0) == 10); // head is 10
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(1) == 5); // 5 got pushed back correctly

        let x = list.pop();
        prusti_assert!(x == 10); // pop returns the value that was added last

        match list.try_pop() {
            Some(y) => assert!(y == 5),
            None => unreachable!()

        let z = list.try_pop();
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // length correct
        prusti_assert!(z.is_none()); // `try_pop` on an empty list should return `None`

This code still fails to compile, this time with an error from the function link_lookup:

[E0507] cannot move out of `node.elem` which is behind a shared reference.
[Note] move occurs because `node.elem` has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

To fix this, we will change List::lookup and link_lookup to return a reference to the element at index i, instead of the element itself. This was not needed for i32, since it implements the Copy trait. For a general type T, returning it by value would move it out of the list, which we don't want. By returning a reference instead, the lookups will work for any type T, because the element stays in the list.

In addition to returning a reference, we will have to adjust some of the places where lookup is used, mostly by dereferencing or using snap on the returned reference:

// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

// Make the types generic:
pub struct List<T> {
    head: Link<T>,

type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

struct Node<T> {
    elem: T,
    next: Link<T>,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

// Specs for std::option::Option<T>::unwrap(self) (and others) can be found here (work in progress):

impl<T> std::option::Option<T> {
    #[ensures(old(self) === Some(result))]
    pub fn unwrap(self) -> T;
    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, None))]
    pub const fn is_none(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, Some(_)))]
    pub const fn is_some(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)))]
    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>;

impl<T> List<T> {
    // ...

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self.head, None)

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: None }

    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    // Return type is changed from `T` to `&T`
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
        link_lookup(&self.head, index)

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)]
    #[ensures(snap(self.lookup(0)) === elem)] // Here we add a `snap`
    #[ensures(forall(|i: usize| (i < old(self.len())) ==>
        old(self.lookup(i)) === self.lookup(i + 1)))]
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
        // ...
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: self.head.take(),

        self.head = Some(new_node);

    predicate! {
        // two-state predicate to check if the head of a list was correctly removed
        fn head_removed(&self, prev: &Self) -> bool {
            self.len() == prev.len() - 1 // The length will decrease by 1
            && forall(|i: usize| // Every element will be shifted forwards by one
                (1 <= i && i < prev.len())
                    ==> prev.lookup(i) === self.lookup(i - 1))

    #[ensures(old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result.is_none() &&
    #[ensures(!old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result === Some(snap(old(snap(self)).lookup(0)))
    // Return type changed from `Option<i32>`
    pub fn try_pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        // ...
        match self.head.take() { // Replace mem::swap with the buildin Option::take
            None => None,
            Some(node) => {
                self.head =;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)).lookup(0))]
    // Return type changed from `i32`
    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> T {

#[requires(index < link_len(link))]
// Return type is changed from `T` to `&T`
fn link_lookup<T>(link: &Link<T>, index: usize) -> &T {
    match link {
        Some(node) => {
            if index == 0 {
                // Here we return a reference to `elem` instead of the `elem` itself
            } else {
                link_lookup(&, index - 1)
        None => unreachable!(),

fn link_len<T>(link: &Link<T>) -> usize {
    match link {
        None => 0,
        Some(node) => 1 + link_len(&,

mod prusti_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn _test_list(){
        // ...
        let mut list = List::new(); // create an new, empty list
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // list should be empty

        prusti_assert!(!list.is_empty() && list.len() == 2); // length correct

        // Here we can just dereference the lookup with `*`, since `i32` is `Copy`:
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(0) == 10); // head is 10
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(1) == 5); // 5 got pushed back correctly

        let x = list.pop();
        prusti_assert!(x == 10); // pop returns the value that was added last

        match list.try_pop() {
            Some(y) => assert!(y == 5),
            None => unreachable!()

        let z = list.try_pop();
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // length correct
        prusti_assert!(z.is_none()); // `try_pop` on an empty list should return `None`

After all these changes, Prusti is able to verify the code again, so now our linked list can be used to store elements of any type, not just i32! If you want to see the full code after all the changes, expand the following code block.

// Expand to see full code up to this chapter
// The next line is only required for doctests, you can ignore/remove it
extern crate prusti_contracts;
use prusti_contracts::*;

fn main() {}

// Make the types generic:
pub struct List<T> {
    head: Link<T>,

type Link<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;

struct Node<T> {
    elem: T,
    next: Link<T>,

#[ensures(snap(dest) === src)]
#[ensures(result === old(snap(dest)))]
fn replace<T>(dest: &mut T, src: T) -> T;

// Specs for std::option::Option<T>::unwrap(self) (and others) can be found here (work in progress):

impl<T> std::option::Option<T> {
    #[ensures(old(self) === Some(result))]
    pub fn unwrap(self) -> T;
    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, None))]
    pub const fn is_none(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result == matches!(self, Some(_)))]
    pub const fn is_some(&self) -> bool;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)))]
    pub fn take(&mut self) -> Option<T>;

impl<T> List<T> {
    // ...

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(self.head, None)

    #[ensures(result.len() == 0)]
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        List { head: None }

    #[requires(index < self.len())]
    // Return type is changed from `T` to `&T`
    pub fn lookup(&self, index: usize) -> &T {
        link_lookup(&self.head, index)

    #[ensures(self.len() == old(self.len()) + 1)]
    #[ensures(snap(self.lookup(0)) === elem)] // Here we add a `snap`
    #[ensures(forall(|i: usize| (i < old(self.len())) ==>
        old(self.lookup(i)) === self.lookup(i + 1)))]
    pub fn push(&mut self, elem: T) {
        // ...
        let new_node = Box::new(Node {
            next: self.head.take(),

        self.head = Some(new_node);

    predicate! {
        // two-state predicate to check if the head of a list was correctly removed
        fn head_removed(&self, prev: &Self) -> bool {
            self.len() == prev.len() - 1 // The length will decrease by 1
            && forall(|i: usize| // Every element will be shifted forwards by one
                (1 <= i && i < prev.len())
                    ==> prev.lookup(i) === self.lookup(i - 1))

    #[ensures(old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result.is_none() &&
    #[ensures(!old(self.is_empty()) ==>
        result === Some(snap(old(snap(self)).lookup(0)))
    // Return type changed from `Option<i32>`
    pub fn try_pop(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
        // ...
        match self.head.take() { // Replace mem::swap with the buildin Option::take
            None => None,
            Some(node) => {
                self.head =;

    #[ensures(result === old(snap(self)).lookup(0))]
    // Return type changed from `i32`
    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> T {

#[requires(index < link_len(link))]
// Return type is changed from `T` to `&T`
fn link_lookup<T>(link: &Link<T>, index: usize) -> &T {
    match link {
        Some(node) => {
            if index == 0 {
                // Here we return a reference to `elem` instead of the `elem` itself
            } else {
                link_lookup(&, index - 1)
        None => unreachable!(),

fn link_len<T>(link: &Link<T>) -> usize {
    match link {
        None => 0,
        Some(node) => 1 + link_len(&,

mod prusti_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn _test_list(){
        // ...
        let mut list = List::new(); // create an new, empty list
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // list should be empty

        prusti_assert!(!list.is_empty() && list.len() == 2); // length correct

        // Here we can just dereference the lookup with `*`, since `i32` is `Copy`:
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(0) == 10); // head is 10
        prusti_assert!(*list.lookup(1) == 5); // 5 got pushed back correctly

        let x = list.pop();
        prusti_assert!(x == 10); // pop returns the value that was added last

        match list.try_pop() {
            Some(y) => assert!(y == 5),
            None => unreachable!()

        let z = list.try_pop();
        prusti_assert!(list.is_empty() && list.len() == 0); // length correct
        prusti_assert!(z.is_none()); // `try_pop` on an empty list should return `None`